This riddle freely given we all are solving is to no end if it doesn’t have a Source. Just as though there’s a hidden fortune each man has to find, everyone is surging. Those seemingly ahead claim they ain’t anywhere yet and those yet to start bemoaned as most opportuned. Call Him what you like, Someone made it possible for all of us to be here. The best way to find fulfillment is by asking Him how. He is all Knowing and far beyond our imagination to set up such a bliss and is about His business ensuring that His creation will give Him glory as His will prevails though He gave us the power to choose.
Knowing we would need a Way He gave us a Way through His Son Jesus Christ as our Teacher and a perfect example or model for our lives. So He gives us everything we need through His Son whose name has been exalted above every other name. So Jesus Christ is saying to everyone, believe in me, believe in my name, those who believe in me are saved and anything you ask in my name is granted. God used various means to reach out to man before the perfect Sacrifice of Christ as the Redemption of man to God which guarantees full expression of God’s grace and glory. So every other means became obsolete at the arrival of Jesus. Wealth, health, prosperity, excellence, peace, love and as more virtues as we can recall as fruits of redemption in Jesus Christ. Believing in Jesus is the basic step for an excellent and fulfilled life.
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